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Lydia Prescott Chapter Meeting
Date:Saturday, 13 October 2018
Time:12:00 Noon
What:Lunch & Meetings
1812 business meeting at 11:00; lunch at 12:00; Lydia Prescott chapter meets after the program.
Place:Edinburgh Public Library, 119 West Main Cross Street, Edinburgh, IN
Parking:Library lot or nearby streets.
Directions:  <map> <directions>
Lunch:Lunch courtesy of Karen Loy and Kathy Amos. Please email Betty Yoder (click name or call 812-336-0901) if you plan to join us for lunch. Reserve by October 8.
Meeting:A CDXVIIC Lydia Prescott Chapter business meeting follows the program.
Program:‹Who is my ancestor?›
Take a look at what you know about your 1812 or Colonial ancestor and let us know what you find. Share his/her history in a 3-5 minute look at a person who lived long ago and the place that he called home when alive. Imagine, and flesh out the bones!
© 2018 Lydia Prescott Chapter Updated: 2018-09-20 Technical contact: webmaster.